It's Not Called Toddler Weight...

If your baby's first birthday has come and gone, but the weight hasn't - you've come to the right place.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Motivate Me Monday - 2/10/2014

Happy Monday! 

I love starting the week off fresh and ready to be productive. I'm sure I can't be the only one who feels this way but I tend to get a little lazy and often make excuses. Especially during the winter when it's cold - I can't exercise outside because it's too cold or I didn't do the laundry because the kids were distracting me or I just straight up procrastinate.

So, a little attitude shift is in order for myself. Yesterday I got on the treadmill since I "couldn't" run outside. No excuse. It was warm in the house, right?! 

Same goes for my weight loss, organizing, work, life, kids - all of it. 

Therefore, instead of making excuses, I'm going to flip it around and just do it because I can.

Are you putting off doing something? Making excuses? I'd love to hear about it.


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