It's Not Called Toddler Weight...

If your baby's first birthday has come and gone, but the weight hasn't - you've come to the right place.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Motivate Me Monday - 4/6/2014

Happy Monday! 
For the last few weeks I feel I've finally made a true commitment to be more active and to make exercise a priority. That's something I've struggles with before. My husband and I joined a gym again and we've both been going and I love it! I've been taking spinning classes for a few weeks now and I'm hooked. I incorporate it now into my weekly exercise mixed in with running and weights and occasionally the elliptical machine.  So, I'm absolutely finding the following is true - my legs, butt and abs are slowly but surely coming back!

Did you exercise today? If not, do something. Anything. You will feel better afterwards. I promise.

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